Le méteo predicted rain to day, so I prepared a collection of umbrella shots for my very first Friday at Flore. It didn’t rain. Happy Friday the 13th!!!
Spring had sprung, and this week, the crowds brought out their brightest, cheeriest umbrellas, to banish away the rainy gloom.
Every Friday, I’ll be sharing images taken near the Cafe de Flore, where tourists from across the globe mingle with chic Parisennes and the international jetset.
What a very sunny set of photos. Thank you for the good cheer! (and, by the way, it rained in the 8th)
Lovely idea for a photo album. Nice colourful contrast to the usual dark colours everybody is wearing.
Love rom Bolton
Cheers! Here’s to many more “Friday at Flore” posts! I love all the bright colors of the umbrellas and can’t wait to see who you feature next week. Let me know whenever you need someone to keep you company!
Lovely shots of all the colorful umbrellas. Perhaps sojoh and I can meet you at the cafe on the 27th??
It’s a date!!!
what a brill idea!
Paris umbrellas are the BEST!
better than London IMHO
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Thanks for the pictures!