I know! It’s not nice to make fun of their accents, but I live with a Frenchman and French teenagers and I can not remember the last time we’ve made it through dinner without someone asking me to say “route” just so they can laugh their heads off when my accent makes it sound like “rut”. Which means “in heat” as in horny animals. Hysterical, n’est-ce pas? Seriously, you’d think it was a preschool over here.
Now back to the work at hand. Seems I’ve been obsessed with fashion lately. Fashion week, then the Alaïa show and now I’m talking accessories. Hats. Well, one hat in particular. Every so often you start looking and you’ll notice a trend in Paris. You’ll see a girl go by with a purse that really catches your eye, then another and another and before you know it, you’ve found yourself a trend.
I found the latest trend on Vogue Fashion Night Out. I had given an invitation to Em and she had invited one of her best friends to join her. The friend showed up wearing THE hat. It was the first time I’d seen it and it was adorable on her. I rarely ask people where they purchase such unique gems, because I figure they don’t want everyone going out and copying them. But for this hat, I had to know. The answer; a thrift shop in NYC.
Black felt, droopy and oh-so circa 1970’s I love this hat. We headed out the door for fashion night and what did I see? More girls wearing THE hat. Coming out of Prada, heading in to roger Vivier. Ever where I looked was the hat. Even my partner in fashion, EllaCoquine, made a comment about THE hat.
I don’t want one. I want three, one for the Fashionista and my daughters. But its just so young and fun and gorgeous.

Very similar to the hat I wore to get married in. …..in 1974 lol!